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If you are just starting on your writing journey our Principal Mentor, Ann Brady offers a free chat with her.
This is aimed at those thinking about starting to write but who don’t know where to begin, those who are new to writing, and those who may have started their journey but who are perhaps stuck for some reason.
During your meeting you will be able to ask Ann those burning questions which you feel are niggling you about starting to write.
Or it may be that you have started to write but are unsure how to proceed further. In which case this is the perfect opportunity for you to find out what is involved in the writing process.
If, however, you are considering a Mentoring Writers Writing Programme then this chat will be ideal for you as you will learn what is needed to progress your writing journey.
Complete the form to register your interest in this service, placing ‘Chat with a Mentor’, in the subject box. Also please include your name, age, what your writing status is (that is how far you are in the writing process -
This service is available at no charge for the first 40 minutes.
If after chatting you wish to repeat the process then you can book another session at a cost of £25 per 45 min session.
Please click on the link below to complete the form.